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Dominik RubröderUX Engineer @ mediawave

The Path to Senior Product Designer book cover
This book speaks his expertise from practice, so does Artiom Dashinksy.

The Path to Senior Product Designer

byArtiom Dashinsky,

reviewed at April 06, 2024Recommended read

Dominik Rubröder

If you ever felt in the need of, or being curious for guidance, this book is for you.But not only when you're currently just starting on your design career, also when you're already in and you just want to have a look up on written down practises, behaviours, patterns and expertise of design work (and a little beyond, outside the design glass), have a read-on. This book is all about making and rasing awareness of your growth in design work, thinking as a designer and how to have impact as a designer, also in places you may not thought about first — benefiting your own goals, the team’s and the company one‘s.

Also, i noticed that you can also use this book, by just opening up a page, and start reading the chapter which was opened.

This book delivers what it claims to — growth.

Learnings on The Path to Senior Product Designer

  • Plan your work
  • Be confident
  • Trust the process
  • Be true on your own state of professional skill level
  • Use tools that help for growth
  • Do it again
  • Be open for growth
  • Be aware of the opportunities to and for growth
  • Work and practise on communicating your work, articulate your reason why, think about your reason why
  • Do retrospective about your work
  • Be decisive
  • Take ownership
  • Applying knowledge to practise manifests it
  • Have a look on chapters that might not seem to help right now, but improve your overall skillset
  • Thinking for others can improve your own thinking
  • There are chances to grow everywhere, you just have to look closely
  • Focus on shipping
  • Focus on the business impact of design

Outcome on The Path to Senior Product Designer

Focus on the business impact of designis one of the last sections of this book. In it, Artiom Dashinksy writes:

„If there is one thing you should learn from this book, it‘s this — designers are hired to help companies drive their business objectives, and therefore all of your work should be looked at, presented, and communicated through the prism of business impact. This mindset will help you in almost every aspect of being a successful designer, including your ability to design better products, receive approvals for your ideas, and get your achievements recognized.“

— Thanks Artiom, this just underlines my pre-existing perception of how important the business (objectives) is for design decisions, how the business drives the user interface, it surrounding topics and thinking outside the 'visual appearance' part of design work.